7 Reasons Why The Term ‘Friend Zone’ Needs To Die

Ahh, the friend zone. You’ve probably heard this term being tossed around one too many times. The thing is, it’s complete sexist bull. And here are 7 reasons why this term should be permanently deleted from your vocabulary.

#1. Because it’s sexist towards all parties involved.

It makes men feel like they’re owed sex or a romantic relationship because they’ve been nice, and makes girls feel obligated to give them that. Clearly, that’s just messed up.

#2. Because it’s point blank stupid.


#3. Because since its inception, it’s only ever been used as a bitter term.

Better to be in the friend zone rather than the ‘Never-Calling-This-One-Again Zone.’

#4. Because it already has its own Wikipedia page.

It’s true. We have to nip this in the bud before it gets to Merriam Webster.

#5. Because those who think they’re in the zone often aren’t.

Some are probably even in the ‘Oh-No-Not-You-Again Zone’ in which case, please reevaluate your tactics.

#6. Because it’s not helping anyone.

Suffering in silence is just so outdated. It doesn’t pave the way for honest and open communication, only assumptions and resentment.

#7. Because it’s 2015.

Men and women can indeed JUST be friends, without any romance or sex getting in the way. Why do we think of platonic friendships as inferior to a romantic relationship?