Driver Tests Reverse Gear at 50mph to Observe Effects

We’ve all experienced those fleeting ‘I wonder what this does’ moments or felt the pull to do something we know isn’t wise.

If you’ve ever been curious about what would happen if you put your car into reverse while speeding, one individual has already taken the plunge to find out for us.

Shifting your car into reverse at 50mph is not something anyone needs to do, but it certainly catches the imagination.

YouTuber ‘Auto Vlog’ decided to take on this risky endeavor, undertaking the experiment that you might have pondered trying.

He recorded the whole process, so you don’t have to risk it yourself.

His previous ventures have included filling a car with vodka, though that’s another experiment you might want to pass on.

He’s also attempted the high-speed reversing stunt before with both new and older automatic vehicles.

Unfortunately, the car’s built-in safety features prevented him from accomplishing the task.

Prudent, yet still disappointing for thrill-seekers.

The creator admitted: “This is a completely non-scientific experiment…I just want to find out what happens!”

This time, he opted for a different approach and used an old manual vehicle for the experiment.

It almost looked like he would fail once more as the gearstick posed a challenge to move into reverse while in motion (for hopefully clear reasons).

Determined, the YouTuber exerted force using both arms to push the stick into reverse.

The outcome was an alarming noise as the car screeched to a stop, with intense friction resulting in a significant amount of smoke. Not ideal.

“This truck is awesome!” he exclaimed with excitement when the vehicle allowed the maneuver.

At one point, he thought he had damaged the transmission but soon realized it had merely stalled.

Unsettled by the initial result, the vlogger was adamant about repeating the experiment, with varying degrees of outcome.

Each trial resulted in more clunking and screeching as the car lurched and eventually halted due to his ill-advised attempt.

One viewer humorously commented: “Him: We gotta do that again! Clutch: P l e a s e n o.”

Another viewer noted, “This guy just solved my life’s biggest question.”

“I asked my dad what would happen if you put the car into reverse while driving fast,” mentioned someone. “He said look at YouTube there are enough people to try it.”

Fair point indeed.

Definitely not an experiment to try yourself.