These 15 Easy Hacks Will Help You Look Great Every Single Day

Wearing clothes is tough; whether it’s stains, shrinkage, or static that’s driving you crazy, these 15 hacks will have you looking your best in no time.

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#1. Fit the bottom of your jeans into your boots with clever folding and a sock.

#2. Remove marks from suede shoes using a regular pencil eraser.

#3. Say goodbye to green fingers by coating non-precious metal rings with clear nail polish.

#4. Leather stains vanish instantly with a solution of water and vinegar and some gentle scrubbing.

#5. Placing a safety pin on the inside seam of each trouser leg will put an end to static.

#6. Bring a shrunken shirt back to life by soaking the item in a mixture of water and kids’ shampoo for ten minutes before stretching it back into shape.

#7. Revitalize your sole by mixing baking powder and cleaning solution and scrubbing rubber soles with a toothbrush.

#8. You can break in new shoes without the blisters by placing polybags of water into your heels and popping them in the freezer to expand.

This doesn’t work for patent leather shoes, FYI.

#9. Nearly all oily stains will disappear if you attack them with baby powder.

#10. Attach a keyring to your pant’s zipper and hook it over the button to prevent falling-zipper mishaps.

#11. Halt the denim fade by adding half a glass of vinegar to the machine when washing dark jeans.

#12. Sweat stains can be easily removed with a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda. Smells good, too.

#13. Put down the lint roller and start using an old razor to gently remove fluff from clothes.

#14. Next time you need to quickly iron a collar or small area of clothing, just use your flat iron (hair straightener).

#15. If the cord has escaped your favorite hoodie, simply use a straw to poke it back through the narrow holes.

Congratulations, you look fabulous.