20 Movies All Food Enthusiasts Should Watch

If you consider yourself a foodie, here are 20 great films to fuel your fire.

#1. Chef.

By the end, this movie will give you high hopes of starting your own food truck.

#2. Hundred Foot Journey.

Guys, it’s Helen Mirren and food. Can you really say no?

#3. Jiro Dreams Of Sushi.

After seeing this movie, you’ll have so much more love for sushi.

#4. The Lunchbox.

A moving film and a perfect example of how mistakes can sometimes lead to good things.

#5. Julie & Julia.

This movie is best seen when snuggled up with a copy of The Joy of Cooking.

#6. No Reservations.

An American remake of the German film Mostly Martha (listed below, #12.) After seeing this, you’ll be begging for a fancy meal with truffles or saffron.

#7. Like Water For Chocolate.

A riveting example of how much passion comes with cooking food.

#8. Step Up To The Plate.

This documentary will put the foodie in you in awe.

#9. Chocolat.

So. Much. Chocolate. Definitely not for the faint of heart.

#10. Soul Food.

Because food isn’t just good for your body, but it’s good for the soul, too.

#11. Ratatouille.

If a rat can cook, so can you.

#12. Mostly Martha.

This German film will leave you in happy tears and with a grumbling stomach.

#13. Haute Cuisine.

This beautifully filmed biopic will surely steal your heart away… because of all the food, of course.

#14. Waitress.

After this movie, you’ll be itching to bake your own pie.

#15. Babette’s Feast.

The scene that’s to die for? The feast, of course.

#16. Eat, Pray, Love.

If that spaghetti aria scene doesn’t get you going, we don’t know what will.

#17. Eat Drink Man Woman.

You might never look at homecoming the same way.

#18. Big Night.

The timpano scene is one that will give you the craving of all cravings.

#19. Ramen Girl.

This movie will put your Top Ramen to shame.

#20. Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory.

Everyone knows that what goes well with candy is just more candy. And plus, did you ever think that candy could ever look like THAT?!