First trailer drops for sequel to one of the creepiest movies of 2022

Get ready to grin (or grimace) because a spine-chilling sequel to the horror hit *Smile* is about to drop, and you’ll want to brace yourself. Remember those unsettlingly wide smiles that haunted billboards and screens everywhere? Well, they’re back.

Last year’s *Smile* not only spooked audiences worldwide but also impressed critics, racking up a solid 79 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. This blend of terror and praise made a follow-up almost inevitable, and fans’ wishes have been granted with a teaser for *Smile 2* now released.

The original *Smile* left viewers hanging with Joel witnessing the gruesome demise of his ex-girlfriend Rose, who succumbs to a malevolent demon. This demon, known for driving its victims to suicide after haunting them with visions of grinning faces, has set its sights on Joel next.

In the sequel, it’s not just Joel who finds himself in peril. Naomi Scott portrays a pop star grappling with the same fiendish force. From the trailer, her distress is palpable as she exclaims, “Something really crazy is happening to me. I keep seeing this face everywhere.” Her terror peaks with a chilling plea: “Stop smiling at me!”

Lukas Gage, known for his role in *Euphoria*, shared with The Hollywood Reporter that shooting the movie was an eerie ordeal. “I was really shocked how intense it is on the day. You just think, ‘Oh, it’s acting, it’s gonna be fine,’ but that movie is so scary. The whole crew was terrified. That smile itself is just so creepy, and then you throw the most gory scenes on top of it.”

Director Parker Finn, who masterminded the original film, returns to steer the sequel. According to Gage, Finn elevates the terror to new heights in *Smile 2* and even includes some exciting cameo appearances.

Mark your calendars: *Smile 2* is set to terrify audiences starting October 18. If the sequel’s anything like the first film, it promises to be a nerve-racking experience. So, whether you’re a horror aficionado or just love a good thrill, this is one movie you won’t want to miss.