Donkey Gives Biggest Smile Ever After Being Rescued From Floodwater

Suzanne Gibbons spotted a donkey completely stranded in a flooded river in Kilorglin, Ireland. She called for help and, once the rescuers hauled the donkey to safety, they were rewarded with a big goofy grin from the animal.

Suzanne, unable to swim and without a boat, spotted the donkey in trouble but couldn’t help.

After posting to Animal Heaven Animal Rescue (AHAR) Ireland, Mike Fleming of the local rowing club joined the effort with a boat.

The struggling donkey was dragged out of the water with a rope and lifebuoy.

This soggy ass looked a bit bewildered and shocked at first…

… but realising he was safe, he gave Suzanne and Mike a very big, toothy smile!

They named the donkey “Mike” after, er, Mike the boat guy.

According to AHAR, “He is now dried with hot towels eating a hot mash, all cozy and warm.”

We’re almost tempted to jump in a river ourselves if that’s the treatment you get. Sounds amazing.

“Our vet has seen him and started him on antibiotics to prevent pneumonia.”

“He has a small bit of fluid in one lung, but our vet said he will recover.”

It turns out Mike (the donkey, not the man) ended up in the river after the wind blew his stable’s gate open.

The cheery donkey has now been returned to his owner and we’re sure he’ll be keeping his hooves on solid ground from now on.