Eerie Photos Show Inside This Creepy “Hoarder House” That’s Been Abandoned For Decades

This spooky house in Mississippi, US, is a crumbling ruin, but inside everything from dolls to divorce papers lies untouched.

The time capsule, nicknamed the “Hoarder House” has been abandoned for years and is popular with explorers and photographers.

28-year-old photographer Bullet snapped these eerie shots recently, and attempted to piece together the home’s mysterious history.

“It’s pretty much a time capsule, having been owned by a woman who rented out the rooms for $300 a month.”

“It’s hard to tell what happened. There are letters dealing with divorce, her marriage, letters to famous actors asking them to come live with her.”

“It looks like the owner just got up and left.”

“I was scared at one point because the ceiling above us shifted around I thought it was going to collapse on us.”

“It’s odd because you’re in what was someone’s home.”

“You’re seeing what was their personal life and you’re left to wonder what happened to have caused this.”

The historic 5,000 square foot property was reporedly built by a wealthy businessman and farmer in 1876, and sold to his wife in 1911.

She sold the house following the Wall Street Crash in 1929, but the new owner couldn’t keep up loan repayments and it was abandoned in 1937.

It’s been in the same family since the 1980s, but it’s been totally untouched.