Everyone’s favorite smartphone assistant (sorry, Cortana) has got some serious sass hidden away in that tiny brain, and she’s pretty hilarious too. Who needs friends when you can hang with Siri?!
This person who asked for nearby nail salons and got a serious slice of attitude.
Sometimes Siri is just downright weird.
And not always that helpful.
Unless you’re asking math questions, of course.
Don’t even think about mentioning anything other than Apple products.
Sadly, Siri does not respond well to real-world requests.
Especially flirtatious ones.
Siri can give as good as she gets.
But isn’t ready to rush into anything serious.
Although we’re not sure you’d want to spend your life with someone so endlessly sarcastic.
And not to mention a little reluctant, for a digital butler.
Don’t compare Siri to Google Glass, either.
And stop asking how much wood can a woodchuck chuck, it’s weird, okay?
In fact, stop bothering Siri altogether. She’s not interested.
But then, in your hour of need, Siri can be weirdly supportive.