Individual with Lego piece stuck in their nose for 26 years finally gets it removed

An individual made an astonishing discovery after blowing their nose in the shower.

Andi Norton recently shared on Instagram the surprising find and how they realized they had a small piece of Lego stuck in their nose for over two decades.

Andi, who uses they/them pronouns, recounted in the now-viral video that they had placed some Lego in their nose during the 90s when they were around six years old.

At the time, Andi’s mom thought she had successfully removed the Lego piece, but Andi had continued to experience breathing issues.

Speaking with Newsweek, Andi stated: “My whole life I’ve had sinus sensitivity, allergies, and issues with congestion.

“Since I am allergic to cats, dogs, grass, many of the native trees and dust, and I’ve always been exposed to one or more of these things, I lived my life assuming any congestion issues were just simply caused by the allergies.”

Due to their breathing problems, their doctor suggested blowing their nose while in the shower, where the humidity and steam could help alleviate the congestion.

Following their doctor’s suggestion, Andi was blowing their nose in the shower when one day something ‘really hard’ shot out of their nostril.

“My initial thought with the thing flying out was that I had somehow hurt myself, or blown out a mass of something that wasn’t supposed to come out,” Andi shared with People. “The sound it made my initial thought was it was rock or maybe a tooth.”

Upon closer examination, Andi discovered that the object expelled from their nose was indeed a small piece of Lego.

Recollecting their childhood, Andi remembered playing with the tiny construction toys back then.

“I can breathe out of this side of my nose now, and it’s fantastic,” Andi continued. “I haven’t been able to do that since I was a child.”

Andi’s story rapidly gained attention, with their original Reddit post garnering over four million views.

The Instagram video has also received numerous comments.

One commenter said: “Holy s**t what a wild ride!!! I’m so happy for you though!”

Another person added: “Awesome story!!! 90s kids were tough!! Rock on Lego Man!”

Some described the entire event as ‘hilarious’ and ‘bonkers’.

One person urged: “Lego needs to send you something cool for this story! Wow, this is incredible.”