Kate Winslet Opens Up About Her Sex Drive and Urges Other Women to Share Their Experiences

For any woman, aging can sometimes be accompanied by a decline in libido, but it appears actor Kate Winslet has found a method to enhance it instead.

The Titanic star recently hinted at boosting her sex drive through a specific treatment and seemed to encourage other women to consider it as well.

The 48-year-old has been married to Edward Abel Smith, 46, for 12 years, and she reportedly attributes this treatment to making her feel ‘sexy’ again.

During a recent appearance on the How To Fail podcast, Winslet participated in a mini agony-aunt session where listeners sought her advice.

That was when one person asked for advice on boosting their sex drive.

Initially, Winslet explained that libido is closely linked to hormones, and for women, it could be related to thyroid issues.

The mother-of-three shared: “Sometimes women have a real dip in libido because there might be stuff going on with their thyroid.”

For those with hypothyroidism, symptoms like sluggishness, fatigue, and a lack of energy can affect mood and libido due to insufficient thyroid hormone production.

But that’s not the only factor that can influence it.

Winslet mentioned that low testosterone levels could also be a factor.

She added: “There could also be stuff going on with your level of testosterone.

“A lot of people don’t know this but women have testosterone in their body, when it runs out – like eggs – it’s gone, and once it’s gone you have to replace it and that is something that can be done and you’ll feel sexy again… I know.”

Winslet continued: “I would suggest for your physical self, have your thyroid levels checked and your testosterone levels checked well because those things could have a direct impact on how you’re actually feeling.

“It’s not your fault, our bodies are weird and they behave in strange ways especially as we get older.

“So there could be a dip in those hormonal levels for you that is contributing much more than you think to how you’re feeling about having sex with your boyfriend, so I would definitely go ahead and do that.”

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a prescription treatment that helps restore testosterone levels.

It essentially helps to bring the body’s levels back to where they should be, and studies have indicated that this could also increase a woman’s sexual libido.

However, the Mayo Clinic notes that there isn’t extensive research on the long-term safety and effectiveness of this method.

Winslet went on to express that she feels much better and believes she looks ‘amazing’ too.

She said: “I’m great with it [her body] – I think I look flipping amazing. We have to own it, this is the thing.

“We’re so conditioned, women, in our 40s to think ‘oh well I’m creeping closer to the end’. You think you’re going into menopause and you’ll stop having sex, your boobs are going to sag and your skin’s going to go crapy. First of all, so what? It’s just conditioning.

“I think women as they get older get juicier and sexier and more embedded in their truth of who they are and more powerful, more able to walk through the world and care less and that is an empowering thing. I say to my friends all the time ‘you look amazing, you look great’.”