This 9-Year-Old Is Helping Homeless Women In The Most Thoughtful And Practical Way

This 9-year-old girl founded a charity called ‘Khloe Kares’ to help homeless women and it’s honestly so heartwarming.

Khloe Thompson, alongside her grandmother, sews homemade cloth bags or as she calls them, ‘Kare Bags.’

They’re filled with soap, deodorant, toothpaste, and feminine care products.

Khloe goes around Southern California to give them to homeless women.

While Khloe takes pride in the incredibly sweet act she’s doing, she’s especially proud of the bags too.

“I would think they could have a nice, sturdy bag so that they can keep forever and it wouldn’t just break like a regular plastic bag,” Khloe shared.

Her mom, Alisha, initially didn’t want Khloe to do this. “Just as a parent you’re going to be concerned about her walking up to random strangers, thankfully Khloe has something about her where people really warm up to her quickly,” Alisha said.

Khloe’s deeds have made her family want to help too. After the success of Kare Bags, they started to come up with more ways to help.

Khloe and her family recently did a toy drive for foster kids.

“These kids have not had the same advantages as I have had in life, and I really want to give back and brighten their day,” Khloe said.

She hopes that what she’s doing will inspire others to help out in their own little way.

“Don’t be so afraid of them,” she said. “They’re just a normal person like you.”