These Lemons Are Helping Women Everywhere Detect Breast Cancer Early

You might have seen a post circulating on Facebook recently asking people to post a heart to their page honoring breast cancer awareness.

One breast cancer survivor, Erin Smith Chieze, was fed up with the hearts — she argued that they don’t educate people, or help fight breast cancer in any way, so she decided to share something a little more real.

“I have received quite a few private messages about a ‘game’ going around where you post a heart, then you are secretly supposed to state it is for breast cancer awareness. This is my response to all of these messages,” wrote Erin.

“Someone once posted a picture on Facebook of what breast cancer can look like. Not feel, but look like. In December of 2015, when I saw an indentation that looked like one of those pictures, I instantly knew I had breast cancer.”

Erin then posted the below image, adding: “We need to give REAL information, not cute hearts.”

“Please stop playing games that do no actually promote awareness, they often cause people to tune out … If you truly want to help people WITH cancer, or those who will GET cancer, share photos like this one.”

The lemon images were created by KnowYourLemons in partnership with Worldwide Breast Cancer aiming to educate people about the reality of breast cancer.

So instead of sharing messages or statuses on Facebook, share real information. You might just save a life like Erin’s.

You can find out more at the KnowYourLemons Facebook page.