Man Left In Coma And Given 4% Chance Of Survival After Pulling Out Ingrown Hair

A routine grooming habit turned nearly fatal for one man after an ingrown hair led to a life-threatening condition.

Most of us don’t think twice about removing an annoying ingrown hair.

However, for Steven Spinale, what seemed like a small grooming action turned into a catastrophic health crisis.

Spinale ended up in a coma with a mere 4% chance of survival following his attempt to pluck an ingrown hair.

In 2022, he was hit with a diagnosis of sepsis and battled for his life due to complications from the seemingly minor issue.

An ingrown hair happens when a hair curls back and grows into the skin instead of rising up from it, according to the Mayo Clinic.

His sister Michelle mentioned that he was “pretty sick” for about a month before doctors pinpointed the root of his health problems.

At first, they thought Spinale was suffering from internal bleeding — a concern that Michelle later described as “the smallest worry.”

“He was dismissed by several hospitals [who believed] he was exaggerating his condition. He began to vomit blood, yet they still sent him home,” she shared on TikTok.

On GoFundMe, Spinale’s sister details his harrowing ordeal: “Steven Spinale is a 36-year-old father now fighting for his life in ICU. He was unwell for the last month or so, with doctors baffled by his condition.

“All they knew was that he was bleeding internally from somewhere. We had no idea that was just the beginning of our worries. His condition deteriorated rapidly until he crashed and was put on life support.

“A rare bacteria was tearing through his body, causing all his organs to shut down. He is battling severe sepsis and shock.

“He also contracted influenza while in the hospital, has double pneumonia, and is suffering from ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome); his lungs are failing.

“Doctors are exhausting all possible treatments, and if anyone can survive this, it’s him.

“Steven means the world to so many, and we are all rooting for him to battle through this like never before. His wife has been constantly by his side, meaning they have lost both sources of income.

“We are fundraising to alleviate their financial stress and cover their bills, including medical expenses. Steven is uninsured, and this journey, if he recovers, will be lengthy. We are grateful for any support.”

While hospitalized, Spinale developed influenza A and double pneumonia, affecting both lungs, along with acute respiratory distress syndrome.

He spent three weeks in a coma, during which his family clung to hope for his recovery.

Ultimately, it was revealed that a rare bacteria, which entered his system through a small wound caused by plucking an ingrown hair, was responsible for the severe damage to his organs.

Recent updates on TikTok show that Spinale is showing signs of improvement, with a renewed “sparkle in his eyes,” defying doctors’ expectations and being hailed by his family as “a miracle.”

You can contribute to Steven Spinale’s recovery on his GoFundMe page here.