Man recreates 20-year-old photo of him and childhood cat before putting him to sleep

A man has recreated a 20-year-old photo of him and his childhood cat before he was sadly put to sleep.

There’s something incredibly special about having a childhood pet, right?

Whether it’s a cat, a dog, or any other animal, these furry friends stand by our side through life’s big moments.

From the anxiety-riddled first day of primary school to the daunting transition to high school, and all those unforgettable birthdays, our pets have seen it all.

Those fortunate enough to have their childhood pets with them into adulthood know all too well that eventually, we have to say goodbye.

And this week, a Reddit user named ‘TrevorisTHEGOAT’ went through this heart-wrenching experience.

He bid farewell to his beloved cat Gandalf, a companion since his childhood days.

But before Gandalf’s final moments, Trevor recreated a cherished 20-year-old photograph of the two of them together.

“Putting my childhood cat to sleep today, and did my best to recreate a 20 year old picture. I will always love you Gandalf,” he shared on Reddit.

The original photo shows a young Trevor cuddling Gandalf on his bed, both looking utterly at peace.

The recent photo mirrors this moment, with Trevor holding Gandalf in the same loving manner.

Even the colors of Trevor’s outfit are matched to echo the past in the new photo.

Trevor recreated the old photo. (Reddit /TrevorisTHEGOAT)

The touching tribute quickly captured hearts online, with the Reddit post going viral within hours.

Many users expressed their empathy, noting how Gandalf had clearly lived a full life.

“Omg love that name. My feelings,” one user commented.

Trevor responded, sharing more about Gandalf’s backstory: “He actually came with a brother, he was brown and we named him Mordor lol. We bought them together from a bordering state – idk why my parents decided 9-year-old me needed a purebred ragdoll haha, but that’s what he is.

“Mordor tragically got cancer at only 3 years old and had to be put to sleep. Gannie has lived enough for them both now.”

Others shared their personal stories of loss and connection, adding a layer of communal grief and support to the thread.

“I found out yesterday that my cat has cancer and I’m wailing from this. I don’t know how my last 7 years would have been without her. I am so lucky to have had her,” another user wrote.

Another lamented, “I lost my cat 9 days ago, and I am weeping right now. Rest in Blissful Paradise Gandalf and Dabitha.”