Man who won $1,300,000,000 lottery jackpot sued by family after breaking promise to share winnings

A Maine man who hit the lottery jackpot for a jaw-dropping $1.3 billion is now entangled in a family feud over the winnings.

The winner, whose identity remains under wraps, claimed one of the largest Mega Millions jackpots in U.S. history.

However, the windfall has since sparked a heated legal showdown with his relatives, who allege he backed out of several promises he made should he ever win big.

Accusations from the family include failing to set up a million-dollar trust fund and not covering his father’s medical bills.

Adding to the drama, the winner has countered, accusing his daughter’s mother, referred to as Sara Smith for privacy, of violating a non-disclosure agreement. She allegedly spilled the beans about the jackpot before their daughter’s 18th birthday, set for 2032.

The saga has only grown more convoluted over time, drawing attention for its twists and turns.

The winner scooped more than a billion dollars. (mikroman6 / Getty)

Despite keeping a low profile, the winner’s identity has been a central issue in the ongoing legal disputes, as revealed in court documents.

Both sides have thrown around accusations of misconduct, as detailed in legal filings from May 10.

Sara Smith’s legal team has refuted claims that she disclosed the win, instead pointing the finger at the winner, known as John Doe in court documents.

Her attorneys claim this revelation undermines the entire lawsuit.

Meanwhile, the winner’s father has also stepped into the fray, asserting that his son himself disclosed the win during a visit earlier this year.

In a heartfelt statement, the father said, “My son came to my house and told me and my wife about his massive lottery win. He also discussed how he planned to share his newfound wealth.”

The parties all allege misconduct from each other. (Achim Sass / Getty)

The father recounted promises made by his son, including building him a garage filled with vintage cars, buying back the family home, and establishing a hefty trust fund.

However, the relationship has soured, and none of the promises have been fulfilled, leading to an escalation in family tensions.

Doe, on the other hand, accuses his father of trying to blow his cover.

As the court battle rages on, the complexities of this family drama continue to unfold.