Steven Rothstein had the opportunity to explore the world in unparalleled luxury, courtesy of his first-class American Airlines pass. However, he later experienced the disappointment of having this privilege taken away.
First-class travel is a luxury often reserved for the affluent, yet Rothstein enjoyed this comfort every time he boarded a flight.
How was this possible? Back in 1987, Rothstein, then a 37-year-old businessman, became one of only 66 individuals to acquire an AAirpass from American Airlines for $250,000. This pass allowed him unlimited first-class travel with the airline.
Subsequently, Rothstein added a companion for an extra $150,000, allowing him to travel freely with just one stipulation.
Rothstein shared with the Guardian: “When I bought the AAirpass, in no uncertain terms, they told me that there was only one rule: I couldn’t give anybody the AAirpass.
“And those were the days before they took identification from passengers.”
Although he adhered to the rules, even refusing a colleague’s offer of $5,000 a week for the AAirpass, he eventually found himself in trouble.
American Airlines accused him of being ‘fraudulent’ in his use of the pass, alleging he made ‘speculative bookings’ for flights he had no plans to board.
The airline also claimed that Rothstein booked seats for non-existent passengers with names like ‘Bag Rothstein’ and ‘Steven Rothstein Jr’, resulting in a $21 million loss for the airline.
His pass was revoked in 2008, and American Airlines even pursued legal action against him.
Rothstein’s daughter, Caroline, talked to the Guardian about her father’s travel habits and their feelings years after the pass was revoked.
Caroline recalls her father saying: “Why did they have to be mean? What American did was nasty.”
“It took away my mobility. It took away my hobby. I thought that I could go to Sweden for the weekend in July and pick up flowers when I was 70,” he reportedly added.
Rothstein continued: “I’m angry. Still. I’m less angry. But I’m still angry.
“They stole my personality. They stole my love. They stole the very thing that caused me to give them a half a million dollars in the first place. And a half a million dollars is probably like 5 million dollars today.
“And they did it maliciously. If there had been a problem, the proper thing to do would have been to telephone me and tell me they’d like me to change the way I used the AAirpass.”
Unfortunately, for those contemplating acquiring a first-class pass for themselves, this option is no longer available.
The airline discontinued the unlimited passes in 1994, rebranding the program as the ‘AirPass’.
This program too has been phased out.
In 2022, the airline announced on its website: “As of November 30, 2022, the AirPass program is no longer accepting new or renewal contracts.”
“The AirPass program will be sunsetting, with all program functionality to end by March 31, 2024. AirPass will no longer accept additional funds for existing contracts.”