Mother Dubbed ‘Doomsday Queen’ After Investing a Decade and $20k Preparing Family for World War III

A mother has shared her reason for spending over $20,000 on doomsday preparations over a span of 10 years.

While the adage ‘fail to prepare and prepare to fail’ is familiar to many, Krystal, a mother of three, takes preparedness to a whole new level.

In an episode of Truly’s YouTube series, My Extraordinary Family, Krystal discusses her prepping methods, the rationale behind it, and the reactions she receives from others who learn about her unique hobby.

“I prep for anything,” she stated. “Whether the grid were to collapse and the power turns off, if there’s another pandemic, civil war, civil unrest or World War Three.

“We always prepare for the worst case scenario and we always hope for the best case scenario.”

Although Krystal has been preparing for such events for many years, the pandemic solidified her concerns and helped her husband Derrick appreciate the importance of prepping. He had previously viewed her perspective as somewhat ‘extreme’.

“My opinion towards prepping and being prepared changed right round [the time of] the pandemic,” Derrick confessed.

He added that it was ‘really good to see’ that during the tough times brought by the pandemic, their family was secure in the knowledge that they had enough food and supplies to sustain them.

Similarly, Krystal’s friend Carla initially thought she was ‘bat s**t crazy,’ but turned to her for guidance when the pandemic struck.

Krystal’s present objective is to maintain a three-year food supply in case of an emergency.

In the YouTube episode, she elaborated on how she grows her own vegetables in her garden and preserves them in jars, a practice she claims has saved her ‘thousands of dollars’.

Krystal shares her prepping journey on her TikTok account, where she’s known as the ‘Doomsday Queen’.

Her videos have garnered thousands of views, with some followers crediting her for inspiring them to start their own doomsday prepping.

“Thanks to you I have my home prepped,” one follower wrote on her page. “I’ve been seeing so much this year that has me worried but thankfully I have a generator, water machine. Radios, solar panels, food and water.”

Another follower praised: “We’ve learned so much from you! You are amazing!”

In one of her videos, Krystal lists five essential items for a prep space: cordage, a knife, a water purifier, a tarp, and freeze-dried food.

Better safe than sorry, right?