The 12 Kinds Of Annoying Texters You’ll Meet In Your Life

If you’re reading this, then there’s a good chance that you’ve been on the receiving end of an annoying text message. Maybe it was from your overly enthusiastic friend who just had to share their life-changing experience with everyone else in the world. Or maybe it was from your nosy aunt who just had to know if you got home safely after that party. Or maybe it wasn’t someone you even knew, and the only reason the message showed up on your phone is because they texted the wrong person — again — and all of a sudden, everyone in your contacts list knows exactly what time you got home last night.

Well, fear no more! We’ve compiled a list of the top 12 most annoying types of texters that you’re going to have to deal with on a daily basis.

#1. The one who only texts in emojis.

Sorry, no hablo emoji.

#2. The frustrated novelist.

Unless there’s a cliff notes version of your text, there’s a 100% guarantee the only time your 5-part message will be read is on the toilet.

#3. The dexterity-challenged.

Did you lose a finger? Texting blindfolded?! Is this a secret code?!?! How can you mess up a text this bad??

#4. The cliffhanger.

WHY? WHY?? WHY???!!!!!

#5. The one who uses LOL’s in an attempt to make something less awkward.

Still awkward.

#6. The double-texter.

When left unattended, the double-texter can turn into a triple or even quadruple texter, until they reach their final form: the inbox flooder. Much like a Gremlin, do not attempt to feed after midnight.

#7. The one-word-per-text.

Clearly someone’s ecstatic about unlimited texting. Also, was this really necessary?

#8. The one who only ever replies with “K.”

With some occasional variations such as “k,” “OK,” and depending on where you’re from, “ayt.”

#9. The one who texts in all caps, and ONLY in all caps.


#10. The txt-spk abuser.

As if words couldn’t get any shorter. Like omg totes smh wtf, right? LOL.

#11. The group chat side-bar conversationalists.

If it doesn’t concern the entire group, can you like, text privately? Kthnxbye.

#12. The one who responds to your text by calling.

Just no.