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#1. Let’s be honest, you could get a free upgrade.

#2. Babies do that, right?

#3. Why can’t we just agree that this human is small until it’s bigger?

#4. Real struggles.

#5. That was unexpected…

#6. You’ll get the hang of it one day, young one.

#7. Sounds accurate to us.

#8. Yep. Very, very baby.

#9. Great idea.

#10. The birds and the bees is just a myth.

#11. Truth.

#12. Classic dad behavior.

#13. Well, at least it’s ready for them now.

#14. Babies do not respond to shushing.

#15. Aww, is that the new iPhone?

#16. Oh yes you were, baby.

#17. You mean I’m stuck with this thing?!

#18. Babies and fine dining don’t mix.

#19. Wait, what?

#20. This baby isn’t feeling the Bern.

#21. Um…

#22. Can’t wait to pull this one on our kid.