Your Monday might be starting off on the wrong foot, but hey, it could be way, way worse. Just ask these people:
#1. Just thank the heavens that this isn’t your sandwich.
#2. And you’ve never had to experience this tragedy.
#3. At least this isn’t your school project.
#4. And your ice cream wasn’t stolen by a bird.
#5. Thankfully you’re not living out this very ironic situation.
#6. And this embarrassing occurrence never marred your childhood memories.
#7. At least you didn’t eat a “wild corndog”.
#8. Be happy you’ve never had to go through this.
#9. Look at the bright side: You didn’t make this mistake.
#10. And your scalp doesn’t look like a 50-year-old man’s.
#11. At least this isn’t your bike. Or your PB&J sandwich.
#12. And at least this isn’t your car.
#13. Just be glad you didn’t trap yourself.
#14. And that this is not something you had to deal with.
#15. I mean, things could be worse, right?
#16. You never had to celebrate your birthday like a hungry child in a Vegan fair.
#17. And you know how to read.
#18. You can breathe a sigh of relief at your phone being pure still.
#19. And that your yard doesn’t look like a 4-year-old’s drawing.
#20. Be happy your brownies don’t have a paw print on them.
#21. And that no foul fowl is after you.
#22. At least you aren’t bathing in sunflower seeds.
#23. And that you never had to narrowly make this mistake.
#24. Just, you know, jump for joy or something because you can tell your alarm clock from other non-alarm clock things.
#25. And your milk isn’t flowing in a pool on your kitchen countertop right this minute.
#26. And if you still think you’ve got it worse than everyone on the list, at least be happy you’re not Cody.
You’re not even trying, Cody. Get with it.