Passenger Trapped in Airplane Bathroom for Entire Flight Receives Note from Flight Attendant

A plane passenger recently shared the chilling tale of being trapped in an airplane bathroom for the entirety of their flight. Imagine the anxiety!

Flying is rarely a walk in the park, but this takes airport horror stories to a whole new altitude. Being stuck in a tight, cramped airplane lavatory as you soar through the skies? Definitely not the upgrade anyone would wish for.

This nightmare scenario became a reality for a passenger on SpiceJet Flight SG-268 shortly after departing from Mumbai, India. The ordeal sounds like something straight out of a travel horror film.

Luckily, if you can call it that, the flight from Mumbai to Bengaluru was a short hop, lasting just a bit over an hour. Still, that doesn’t make the situation any less harrowing for the passenger involved.

The problem began when the passenger used the bathroom right after the seatbelt sign was turned off. That’s when they discovered the door wouldn’t open.

SpiceJet confirmed the situation in a statement, explaining the passenger was stuck for about an hour. Meanwhile, the crew and other passengers attempted various methods to free him, but to no avail.

Imagine being locked in a small space as your flight prepares to land. The tension must have been palpable.

To ease his nerves, a thoughtful flight attendant slipped a note under the door. The note quickly captured the hearts of netizens everywhere after it went viral.

The note read: “Sir we tried our best to open the door, however, we could not,” and it continued, “Do not panic. We are landing in a few minutes, so please close the commode lid and sit on it and secure yourself. As soon as the main door is open, an engineer will come. Do not panic.”

True to the note’s word, engineers swiftly boarded upon landing and managed to break down the door, finally freeing the trapped passenger.

After his unexpected confinement, the passenger was given immediate medical attention to ensure his well-being.

Following the incident and its subsequent global attention, the airline issued an apology and a full refund to the passenger.

“SpiceJet regrets and apologizes for the inconvenience caused to the passenger,” read a statement from the airline. They confirmed, “The passenger is being provided a full refund.”