Photographer Captures Stunning Images Of Caterpillars As You’ve Never Seen Them Before

Caterpillars might be considered boring, particularly when compared with their prettier, metamorphosed butterfly selves. But photographer Samuel Jaffe thinks otherwise.

A naturalist photographer by trade, Jaffe makes the furry, fluorescent, grubby little creatures the main focus of his photography.

“Gravity” Hyalophora cecropia on buttonbush

The Eastern Massachusetts native grew up exploring the wildlife around him, wading through ponds and overturning rocks. Currently taking his Masters in Environmental Education, Jaffe has found his calling in nature.

Five years ago he started a project to breed and photograph the captivating caterpillars native to New Hampshire.

“Life on the Leaf Edge” Cerura scitiscripta on willow leaf

The variety of caterpillars in Jaffe’s photo archive is stunning, to say the least. Each propped against a plain black background, Jaffe guides the eyes to focus on the caterpillar’s enigmatic characteristics.

“Orange Red Green” Eumorpha achemon on grapevine | “Wild Lettuce” Autographa precationis on wild lettuce

In every picture, the caterpillars’ unique textures, colors, and patterns jump out at you — so much so that you find yourself wondering how you’ve ever overlooked such beauty.

“Red Boots” Apatelodes torrifacta on cherry | “Three Swallowtails” Papilio glaucus, polyxenes, and troilus

The project has grown to include exhibits, shows, talks, and finally in 2013 the Caterpillar Lab, a program showcasing the diversity of northeastern caterpillars through educational programs, the arts, and sciences.

“Turbulent Abstract” Phosphila turbulenta on smilax

Photography gives us the opportunity to see the world through another person’s eyes. And with Jaffe behind the camera lens, we get to explore the beauty that’s sitting right below our feet.

“Mimicry” Sphecodina abbottii on grapes | “The Thing” Harrisimemna trisignata

“Anatomy of a Caterpillar” Nadata gibbosa on oak

“Life on the Leaf Edge” Nerice bidentata on elm leaf

“Early Kingdom” Lytrosis unitaria

“Emerald Deception” Chlorochlamys chloroleucaria on goldenrod | “Cut Flowers” Eupithecia Pug on blue vervain

“Father of Monsters” Eumorpha typhon on Arizona grape

“The Fawn” Sphinx kalmiae on ash

Jaffe’s most recent photographs are currently being displayed at the Franklin Park Conservatory in Columbus, Ohio, as part of the exhibit “Life on the Leaf Edge.” Prints are available via his online shop.