Girl Hilariously Rewrites Old Instagram Captions To Tell The Ugly Truth About Her Ex-Boyfriend

When a relationship ends badly, the usual aftermath is deleting every trace of it online. Here’s one woman who had much bigger plans and wasn’t about to let her failed relationship bring her down.

After finding out that her then-boyfriend was cheating on her, she went through all her Instagram photos of them and re-captioned them to be a bit more… honest.


She’s clearly not one to hold back.

Hey guy, would you like some ice for that burn?

Apparently, tons of women have been doing this before. Here’s another woman who also took to Instagram to let her frustrations out.

These girls deserve an award, honestly.

Well, as the old adage goes, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”

So what’s the lesson here?

Simple: Don’t cheat.