Public expresses major concerns after witnessing the operation of the world’s first stand-up waterslide

A German waterpark has introduced the first standing waterslide, prompting numerous concerns among visitors.

Typically, waterslides at waterparks are enjoyed either on a large rubber ring or by sliding down while seated.

Many of these slides are enclosed within tubes, often featuring dazzling light shows to entertain or frighten you during the descent, making the experience quite enjoyable.

However, someone pondered whether it would be possible to achieve all of this while standing up.

Thus, the unusual concept of the standing waterslide was born.

If you’re curious about the appearance and functionality of a standing waterslide, imagine this scenario.

Recall your childhood days of sliding across a polished wooden floor while wearing socks.

By running and then stopping abruptly, you could slide on your socks, gliding until you eventually came to a halt. The standing waterslide operates on a similar principle, except you continue to slide without stopping.

The park features two such standing slides: one indoors and one outdoors.

The indoor slide, known as the Sauerland Surfer, is described on the waterpark’s website as a ‘beginner standing slide’.

This slide winds around the pool in a short course, allowing visitors to get accustomed to riding a standing slide.

On the other hand, the larger outdoor slide, the Crazy Surfer, extends over 100 meters and spirals around outside the pool area.

Upon viewing footage of the slides, many people expressed their worries and took to social media to voice their concerns.

One individual commented, “All I think is knee injury,” while another shared, “I’ve been on one of those and I fell and it hurt so bad.”

A third person remarked, “Sometimes there’s a reason why nobody has done it before.”

In addition to the standing waterslides, the waterpark offers another intriguing slide, which seems to be a conventional lying-down slide with a unique twist.

This slide, named Green Kick, begins with riders being enclosed in a chamber resembling a stasis pod from a science fiction spaceship.

With your arms crossed over your chest, as if lying in a coffin, to keep them close to your body, you press a button to initiate a countdown – and then the floor beneath you suddenly drops away.

This sends you plummeting into the slide above the pool and other swimmers.

Clearly, this ride is not for the faint-hearted!