Relentless orca ‘attack’ sends yacht underwater in only 45 minutes

Being attacked by a group of killer whales while out in the open sea has to be one of the most frightening experiences imaginable.

Orcas are among the smartest creatures on the planet, and I would argue that they can be even more dangerous than sharks when they choose to be.

Recently, I had a conversation with a shark expert who mentioned that even great whites typically don’t want to eat humans. If one approaches you, you can push it away by pressing on its nose with your fins—assuming you’re equipped with scuba gear.

While orcas haven’t killed a human in the wild, there have been four fatalities involving killer whales in captivity.

That’s why hearing about orcas persistently attacking and sinking a yacht within 45 minutes is quite alarming.

This incident occurred in October 2023 when a pod of killer whales—a family group of orcas—aggressively assaulted a Polish yacht navigating through the Strait of Gibraltar.

The attack lasted 45 minutes, and even the Moroccan Navy couldn’t prevent the yacht from sinking near the port of Tangier Med in Morocco.

Thankfully, all aboard the vessel were unharmed.

Following the incident, Morskie Mile, the yacht’s operators, took to Facebook to share: “Yesterday, in the Strait of Gibraltar, in the early afternoon, our yacht was attacked by a pod of killer whales. They hit the rudder blade for 45 minutes, causing major damage and a leak.

“Despite attempts to bring the yacht to port made by the captain, the crew and rescuers from the SAR [search and rescue vessels], port tugboats and the Moroccan Navy, the unit sank near the entrance to the Tanger Med port. The crew is safe, safe and sound in Spain.

“For us, this yacht was everything that was great about sea sailing. Long-term friendships were formed on board. We sailed this yacht through the most beautiful places in Europe and the Atlantic archipelagos, trained numerous yacht helmsmen, discovered beautiful and unknown places, tasted Mediterranean specialties and sailed, sailed, sailed.

“We will take very good memories to Grazie Mamma II. Love for the sea always wins, and friendships will remain with us.

“We are working to ensure that the upcoming cruises in the Canary Islands take place as planned on our friends’ yachts. We will contact all our guests in the coming days.”