Revolting simulation reveals the aftermath of a tour bus dumping 800 pounds of human waste onto a sightseeing boat

Apologies if you’re currently having a meal, but a repulsive simulation has illustrated the aftermath of an incident where a band’s tour bus inadvertently discharged 800 pounds of human waste onto a sightseeing boat.

For the passengers on the boat, it truly was a nightmare scenario – but what exactly took place?

YouTuber Zack D. Films recently delved into the story, providing a nauseating simulation of the event. You’ve been warned:

On 8 August 2004, a tour bus for the Dave Matthews Band was traveling between two concerts in Wisconsin.

The band was staying at Chicago’s Peninsula Hotel at the time, and they opted to use five buses for transportation.

One of these buses, which did not have any band members aboard, made a literal dump over the Kinzie Street Bridge.

Bus driver Stefan Wohl chose to empty the blackwater tank of the coach while caught in traffic on the Chicago bridge.

Wohl didn’t realize that the bridge had numerous gaps through which the waste could escape, and there was significant activity below the bridge.

You can probably guess what happened next.

Chicago’s Little Lady, a tour boat offering city views from the water, was crossing beneath the bridge at that exact moment.

With passengers on board, the waste descended onto the boat’s open-roof terrace, drenching nearly three-quarters of the 120 passengers in the repugnant substance.

The Illinois Attorney General described the passengers’ experience in a filing.

The filing read: “The liquid waste was brownish yellow in color, and had a foul, offensive odor. The liquid human waste went into passengers’ eyes, mouths, hair, and onto clothing and personal belongings, many of which were soaked.

“Some of the passengers suffered nausea and vomiting as a result of exposure to the human waste.”

Wohl eventually pleaded guilty to reckless conduct and discharging contaminants to cause water pollution.

He was fined $10,000, sentenced to 150 hours of community service, and given an 18-month probation period.

The simulation, originally posted by Zack D. Films on YouTube, has since gone viral on Twitter, with most of the internet finding it utterly disgusting.

“I would’ve been sick to my stomach I don’t even wanna eat,” one person commented.

In the wake of the incident, the Dave Matthews Band reached a settlement with the State of Illinois, agreeing to pay $200,000, along with an additional $50,000 each to the Chicago Park District and Friends of the Chicago River.