Skipping Breakfast Makes You Fatter Than Having TWO Breakfasts

You might think running out the door without breakfast is a sneaky way to “save” calories, but a recent study shows that you’re actually increasing your chances of piling on the pounds.

Researchers from Yale and University of Connecticut followed 600 middle-schoolers from 5th to 7th grade, tracking their weight and breakfast habits.

Amazingly, the researchers found that kids who ate no breakfast at all were more likely to be overweight or even obese than kids who ate TWO breakfasts — one at home and one at school.

The study was focused on teens, but the science remains the same, researchers say: skipping meals leads to overeating later on as your body tries to compensate.

Back when we were still hunting woolly mammoths, we’d put on body fat when there was plenty of food around to keep us going when meals were scarce.

Skipping meals makes your body think it’s starving, so it wants to eat more to survive the oncoming winter hardship — except, of course, there isn’t one.

So while we’re not suggesting you start downing two bacon sandwiches every morning, a hearty (healthy) breakfast will always set you up right for the day.

And you get to eat more food which is obviously great.