15 Amazing Cemeteries You Should Totally Visit While You’re Still Alive

Cemeteries aren’t always the grim places we imagine them to be. These beautiful cemeteries are the perfect places to contemplate your existence and the universe.  So why wait until it’s too late?

#1. Okunoin Cemetery, Japan.

In this Buddhist pilgrimage site lies the remains of Kobo Daishi, founder of Shingon Buddhism. Here he rests in eternal meditation, and where many of his followers either have or wish to as well. It’s the biggest cemetery in Japan, and also home to, with all respect, some weird monuments. Look for the spaceship one, and the statues of coffee cups!

#2. Bonaventure Cemetery, Georgia, USA.

Moss-draped live oak contrast with blooming purple flowers to make this cemetery achingly beautiful.

#3. Cimetière du Père Lachaise, France.

This place is the hub for Paris’ deceased rich and famous. It’s also the most visited cemetery in the world. One notable grave tomb is Oscar Wilde’s, which is constantly decorated with flowers and lipstick kisses from admirers.

#4. Highgate Cemetery, London, UK.

Because Karl Marx, that’s why.

#5. South Park Street Cemetery, India.

If you’re looking to find a ghost, this is your best bet. This cemetery has numerous mausoleums rumoured to be haunted. And, if you’re ever hoping to get some fresh air in India, this is the place to go.

#6. Neptune Memorial Reef, Florida, USA.

If you’re looking for a macabre spin on your next scuba diving trip, this is the place to go.

#7. Panteón Antiguo de Xoxocotlán, Mexico.

If you want an authentic Day of the Dead experience, this is the place to go.

#8. Sedlec Ossuary, Czech Republic.

Everyone puts their own cultural spin when it comes to death. This chapel of the macabre houses the bones of 40,000 to 70,000 individuals. Although this isn’t technically a cemetery, you can’t help but treat these artfully arranged bones with the same respect you would of someone laid to rest six feet under.

#9. La Recoleta Cemetery, Argentina.

This cemetery offers incredible architecture. It’s been around since the 1700s with mausoleum styles including Art Deco, Art Nouveau, Neo-Gothic, and Baroque.

#10. Waverley Cemetery, Australia.

A cemetery might not be the best place to say “dude, look at those waves.” But in this case, it totally is.

#11. Hanging Coffins, Philippines.

These carved wooden coffins are found hanging on the edges of cliffs in the Sagada Mountain Province. Locals did this to keep animals away from the dead bodies.

#12. Punta Arenas Cemetery, Chile.

A trip to this cemetery is like going a step back in time. It’s a visual feast of white tombstones and perfectly manicured hedges that look straight out of a Dr. Seuss book.

#13. The Merry Cemetery, Romania.

Instead of grey headstones, this cemetery features over 600 meticulously carved colourful wooden crosses with a poem and illustration about the life of the deceased.

#14. Hollywood Forever Cemetery, California, USA.

This cemetery is a common venue for live concerts and movie screenings — this is Hollywood after all.

#15. The Woodlawn Cemetery, New York, USA.

It’s no Arlington, but this place does offer some peace and solitude within the Bronx. It’s also considered a national landmark, as it is basically an outdoor museum.