Sometimes Those With The Least Have The Most To Give

The pranksters from Hammy TV set out to do something little bit different: a social experiment to see if people are still willing to help one another.

Presenter Ryan, pictured in the red jumper, pretended that his car had broken down. And so he sat, hour after hour, but no one stopped to help him.

That is, until Eric turned up.

Earlier in the summer Eric was in a terrible house fire. He suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns on over 50% of his body, and was in a coma. The fire claimed all of Eric’s personal belongings, clothes, family photos, and most tragically, two of his beloved pets.

Despite being in immense pain and having lost everything, Eric stopped to help.

It was then that Ryan revealed his true identity and surprised Eric — who is a keen gamer — by announcing he’ll be getting him a PlayStation 4.

Watch the entire incredible encounter below:

If you would like to contribute to Eric’s recovery you can donate to his GoFundMe page.