The Mountain from Game of Thrones has the best comeback for trolls commenting on pictures with his ‘tiny’ wife

When internet trolls chose to target the former World’s Strongest Man, also known as The Mountain, they likely did not anticipate his unexpected response.

If you plan to troll celebrities, be ready for the possibility of embarrassment.

Online commenters continually badgered Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson, the Game of Thrones actor who portrayed the colossal Mountain character that famously crushed Pedro Pascal’s head like a watermelon, prompting him to take swift action.

This reaction was particularly motivated by the involvement of his wife, Kelsey Henson.

Standing at just 5ft 2in, Henson is notably smaller in comparison to her 6ft 9in husband.

The trolls were especially curious about how the couple manages certain activities together.

For example, kissing.

Given their size discrepancy, people were interested in the logistics.

Previously, Henson addressed these queries, explaining that he makes accommodations for her.

During an Instagram Q&A, someone inquired: “How do you kiss? Do you jump into his arms every time and wrap your legs around his waist? Please post a picture of this impressive action.”

She responded, saying: “Ah, he bends, I tiptoe. Or just say screw it, pick me up!”

However, her Icelandic husband is less inclined to tolerate rude or intrusive questions.

Speaking to The Mirror, Björnsson once elaborated on how he handles online interactions.

He stated: “I don’t get people asking me to fight face-to-face but there’s a lot of brave folk on the internet. No one has ever threatened me in real life but on Facebook and Twitter it’s all the time. You just get internet warriors.”

Despite occasionally facing online abuse, Björnsson remains unfazed: “People try to be rude against me, my family, my girlfriend, anything.”

“People like to be mean to people through social media.”

He continued: “That’s what people do today. If there’s anything that offends me, especially if it’s towards my family, I just block them. I don’t accept that. I don’t get upset because I like to focus on the positive. I’m the world’s strongest man. What have they achieved?”

The couple, together since 2017 and married in October 2018, often attract attention due to their 19-inch height difference.

Henson occasionally jokes about their height disparity, once captioning an Instagram photo of them struggling to fit into the same frame: “Never get fully in the frame together….tall with short people problem.”

The pair have faced significant challenges in their relationship, including a tragic announcement made by Björnsson in November of last year.

Warning: the next part of the article discusses stillbirth, which may be distressing to some readers.

The couple had been expecting a daughter named Grace, who was stillborn at 21 and a half weeks gestation, 18 and a half weeks before her due date.

Grace was their second child, following the birth of their son Stormur three years earlier.

Björnsson also has an older daughter named Theresa Líf from a previous relationship.

Discussing their grief, he shared online: “After a noticeable decrease in movement we found out her heart had stopped beating.

“Words cannot describe our pain of this loss or our happiness at being able to spend time with our daughter. She is absolutely beautiful, with blonde lashes and brows and a little smile for mom and dad.

“The love we feel for her is overwhelming. The grief we feel will be with us forever but so will the love.”