The Shocking Reason Your Mouth Tingles When You Eat Pineapple

Have you ever experienced a tingling sensation in your mouth while eating pineapple?

This sensation often limits how much of the tangy fruit you can consume in one go, as it can make your mouth too sore to continue, despite its nutritional benefits.

This issue has frustrated many pineapple enthusiasts, prompting them to express their grievances on social media.

“Look, yes, pineapple does make my mouth itch. but what am i supposed to do, not eat pineapple? that’s ridiculous,” one person wrote.

Another commented: “Who’d have thought that a fruit like pineapple could leave a mouth so sore and itchy. Still my favourite fruit.”

So what is it about this otherwise healthy fruit that causes such discomfort? The answer lies in an enzyme called bromelain.

Bromelain is a protease enzyme, meaning it breaks down proteins into amino acids.

When you eat pineapple, the bromelain can break down some of the proteins that form a protective layer in your mouth, allowing the fruit’s acidity to irritate you.

However, bromelain isn’t the only factor contributing to this sensation; another factor is the presence of tiny ‘spikes’ on the fruit.

These minuscule spikes, known as raphides, are not visible but are sharp enough to make an impact.

Michael P. Sheehan, MD, explained to SELF Magazine that raphides can cause tiny abrasions to our tongues and cheeks, intensifying the soreness when the acidic juice makes contact.

So, while coffee gives you a buzz and chocolate releases dopamine, pineapple has built-in defense mechanisms against being eaten.

Even though the fruit is ultimately overpowered by our teeth, the idea of being “attacked” from the inside has made some people uneasy.

“It’s digesting you… right back… [shocked face],” one person commented after learning about this.

Another social media user wrote: “Technically while you are eating pineapple, it is eating you back at the same time.”

Despite these unsettling facts, many people would agree that the discomfort is a small price to pay for enjoying pineapple.