These are the creepiest places you can only visit on Google Earth but ‘should never search’

Have you ever dreamt of visiting a remote part of the world but found it virtually inaccessible? Thanks to Google Earth, explorers can traverse the globe from the comfort of their own homes. While many spend time searching familiar locations, Google Earth also reveals some eerily fascinating spots that might just give you the chills. The YouTube channel Top 10s has even cautioned that some of these harrowing places are best left unsearched, due to the disturbing legends surrounding them.

Norman’s Cay, The Bahamas
The Bahamas is synonymous with pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters—a picture-perfect paradise. However, lurking beneath this idyllic surface on Norman’s Cay is a relic from a darker time. Google Earth images display an airplane submerged in the water, a remnant from the notorious drug lord Pablo Escobar. The island was once a hub for drug smuggling, and this particular plane met its watery demise short of the runway, abandoned by even local authorities in fear, leaving it to decay in the ocean depths.

A car crash in Florida
Another chilling discovery on Google Earth is a pond in Florida, the site of a tragic accident that claimed the life of William Moldt in 1997. Moldt’s disappearance remained a mystery for 22 years until a sharp-eyed Google Earth user spotted a submerged white car in the pond. Investigations in 2019 confirmed that Moldt had crashed into the pond, where his body remained trapped inside the vehicle for over two decades.

The submerged car is barely visible beneath the water. (

A missing person in Antarctica
In 2020, a Google Earth user stumbled upon a shocking image: what appeared to be a body lying in the snow in Antarctica. Speculation arose that it might be a scientist from a nearby research station who had gotten lost. Given the remote location, the true story behind the grim scene remains unconfirmed.

The body appears to be lying in the snow. (Google Earth)

Irugwa, Tanzania
Irugwa, a small island in Tanzania, holds its own eerie secret. Google Earth images reveal a room splattered with mysterious red stains and a foreboding message on a door: “you trusted the wrong guy.” While some elements of the scene might be computer-generated, it doesn’t make the imagery any less disturbing.

The home of Ariel Castro
A seemingly ordinary street in Cleveland, Ohio, hides a dark past visible on Google Earth. One of the homes, purposefully blurred, was the site of one of America’s most horrific crime scenes. Ariel Castro held three women captive there for over a decade, a nightmare that ended only when one woman escaped.

A mysterious plane in Fiji
Elsewhere, off the coast of Fiji, lies another mysterious plane wreckage, its origins and story unknown. The somber site is a stark reminder of the unpredictable nature of air travel.

The lost city of Atlantis?
In The Bahamas, close to the Atlantis Hotel, some believe the real Atlantis might be hidden under the sea. Google Earth images show unusual metal rods on the sea floor, which were explained by Top10s as part of a coral nursery project aimed at restoring coral reefs.

The objects in the Bahamas do have a purpose. (Google Earth)

Czech Republic
In the Czech Republic, an abandoned town captured on Google Earth offers a surreal vista. A church dating back to 1352 contains statues that eerily mimic the presence of real people sitting in the pews.

The Atlantic Ocean
The vast, largely unexplored Atlantic Ocean is home to some of the creepiest images on Google Earth. Dark shapes suggest monstrous sea creatures like the Kraken or possibly even the extinct Megalodon shark, sparking wild theories and fears about what lurks in the ocean’s depths.

Indeed, Google Earth offers a fascinating yet sometimes frightening window into the less-traveled corners of our planet.