11 Reactions People Have When You Change Your Look

Changing your look can be something as simple as wearing a new hat, or getting a new hairstyle. But the reactions that come after tend to be anything but normal. Some people will act like you’ve just donned a Lady Gaga meat dress. Others won’t even notice anything different about you. Whatever. Haters gonna hate. Potatoes gonna potate.

Here’s some of the ridiculous things you’ll hear.

#1. “There’s something different about you…”

Yes, go on…


Damn right, I look good!

#3. “What are you wearing?”

I dont know, why did I think this was a good idea? I’m gonna go die in a hole now.

#4. “…Are you okay?”

Why wouldn’t I be okay? Why has everyone been asking me that?

#5. “People don’t usually look good with that style, but you look okay”

Was that a backhanded compliment?

#6. “Oh my gosh, what did you do?!”

reaction animated GIF

Omg. They’re never going to let me live this down. What. Have. I. Done.

#7. “Are you committed to this look?”

Oh God, I don’t know… Am I?

#8. “I love your new look!”

I finally did something right!

#9. “Guys/girls are gonna love that”


Well, that wasn’t the point, but whatever…

#10. “Guys/girls aren’t going to like that”



#11. “Who are you trying to look good for?”

Myself. Is that a problem?