Artist Trolls Entire Town By Planting Hilarious Fake Trivia Books In Book Stores

Artist Jeff Waldman, also known by his Imgur handle, jwaldman, has secretly been corrupting minds all over ‘Frisco.

It started innocently enough. The California resident had the perfect wedding gift idea for a dear friend: he turned their long-running, private joke of made-up trivia into a book.

With the help of Reddit user, dinosaur_copilot, who did the illustrations, Waldman managed to turn his idea into reality. Everyone who saw the gag gift loved it.

But then another thought struck him: why not take the joke to a grander scale? Thus was the start of Waldman’s “disinformation campaign”.

Walden ordered a few extra copies from the publisher, then strategically left them in bookstores, “in whatever spot makes the most sense”.

With a normal-looking cover, copyright page, ISBN number, and publisher information, the “fake trivia” book looked legit.

Except, of course, that everything inside was pure, unadulterated nonsense.

You can buy a copy on Amazon with black and white illustrations for $9.95, while the color version costs $22.