22 Hilarious Tweets About Raising Toddlers That Are Too Accurate

#1. The heart-stopping moments they do stuff like this.


#2. The sudden realization that this is parenthood.

#3. Letting them unleash their creativity.

#4. You try flossing her if it’s so important, doc.

#5. Worrying about their paranormal abilities.

#6. This fun game.

#7. This familiar sight.

#8. Oh, and this one too.


#9. The struggle is real.


#10. The mysterious way they’re drawn to all things poisonous.

#11. And dangerous.

#12. The weirdly impressive stuff they get up to when your back’s turned.

#13. The sacrifices you make for lovely silence.

#14. Letting them have their public tantrum because you just can’t even.


#15. Their “fun” games which are cute for about two minutes.

#16. The guilt you feel every time.

#17. The workout you get from wrestling with them.


#18. The “whatever” stage all parents reach.

#19. Their uncanny ability to sniff out treats like a hungry bloodhound.

#20. Wondering if they’ve picked up any of your character traits.


#21. This painful truth.

#22. And this 100% accurate statement.