The Tonight Show’s host, Jimmy Fallon, is at it again. He started another craze on Twitter by asking his followers to tweet the worst advice they’d ever been given using the hashtag #Badvice, and we’ve picked the best ones to give you a good laugh.
On my birthday my dad told me it's rude to open my gift in front of other people. I opened it in my room & it was an empty box. #Badvice
— Ed Hill (@kingedhill) September 29, 2016
as a kid, after I got dizzy from spinning around, my big brother told me "just spin the other direction to cancel it out" #badvice #hurl
— Jon Stamm (@jonstamm) September 29, 2016
I had a disposable camera once. When I got to the end I asked my friend what to do next. He said "it's disposable, throw it away" #Badvice
— Cobo (@cobooo) September 28, 2016
@FallonTonight When too embarrased to go potty behind the bushes. Mom said, "close your eyes and you won't know who saw you." #Badvice
— Julio Pineda (@jrpinedasanchez) September 29, 2016
I told my little brother you were supposed to eat the peel instead of the actual banana. He did it for 2 weeks straight… #Badvice
— Hollie Ivy (@holliecination) September 28, 2016
@jimmyfallon dad: "1st day of school, go into lunch and just punch the biggest kid. nobody'll mess with you then." i'm a teacher. #badvice
— christy ford (@missford306) September 28, 2016
My sister told me, "If you drink hot chocolate thru a straw, it won't be as hot." I did. I couldn't taste food for a week. #badvice
— Samantha Walton (@SamanthaW42) September 28, 2016
My mom told me if I slept with my face on my Barbie pillow I would look like Barbie when I woke up…almost suffocated #Badvice
— Katie D. (@ducki1517) September 28, 2016
Skinny friend: eat as much as you can like I do and you'll lose weight.
Me: ok.
Skinny friend: how'd it go?
Me: I gained 20lbs. #Badvice— Michelle (@mc_arthur123) September 28, 2016
my brother told me that the speed limit was just a suggestion and i repeated that to a cop who then wanted my brothers info #badvice
— aves ? (@averagemewtwo) September 29, 2016
A friend used to tell me that when I get stuck on a math problem to multiple it by 0 so it became nothing because math wasn't real #Badvice
— Christi Trottie (@ChristiTrottie) September 28, 2016
My friend's dad told her "if you're doing something that you'll regret in the morning, just sleep until the afternoon" #Badvice
— Gracey Burnett (@gracey_burnett) September 29, 2016
my dad me told me when i started driving, not to put my blinkers on bc it was nobody business of where i was going. #Badvice
— whitney nelson (@whitneyn3451) September 29, 2016
#Badvice My brother told me there was a little man in the fridge who turned the light on so not to open it too quick or he'd die!
— leah (@leahbale21) September 28, 2016
If you fart near people just say "does anyone smell popcorn" #Badvice
— Red5 (@MrBWayne24) September 28, 2016
I used horse shampoo because I was told it would make my hair shinier but it turns out it's just for horses. #Badvice
— Jimmy Fallon (@jimmyfallon) September 28, 2016
Don't climb that wall!! If you fall off and break both your legs don't come running to me! #badvice
— Kate (@KateAnneRose) September 28, 2016
It's reusable, Just turn the condom inside out. #badvice
— Rexster?? (@Gatros27) September 28, 2016
When I was in boy scouts we went camping and my scout leader said to just use the leaves to wipe.
It was poison ivy. #Badvice— ChrisDrewDavis (@ChrisDrewDavis) September 29, 2016
Don't worry, baking soda and baking powder are the same thing #Badvice @jimmyfallon
— Molly Ligon (@mollyligonn) September 28, 2016
Mom said I should always say what's on my mind. That advice is why I was called into HR today. ?. @jimmyfallon @FallonTonight #Badvice
— Kerri Gray (@kerrikgray) September 28, 2016