Whether they take to land, sea, or air, all species, great and small, share an occasional genetic “flaw” – albinoism. To be perfectly honest, though, there’s absolutely nothing “flawed” about these uniquely beautiful critters.
Prepare to have your breath taken away by these so-called genetic “anomalies.”
1. Humpback Whale
2. Rhinoceros
3. Owl
4. Hummingbird
5. Zebra
6. Gorilla
7. Alligator
8. Kangaroo
9. Doberman Pinscher
10. Snake
11. Bat
12. Lioness
13. Tapir
14. Deer
15. Hedgehog
16. Tiger
17. Lion
18. Squirrel
19. Crow
20. Penguin
21. Turtle
22. Moose
23. Raccoon
24. Peacock
25. Reindeer
26. Capybara
27. Python
28. Dolphin
29. Koala
30. Monkey