It’s one thing to be the one who does the prank. It’s quite the other to be the victim of one. Here are 32 pranks that are absolutely hilarious as long as you are not on the receiving end of someone else’s mischief.
#1. Just when you thought it was safe to sit down…
#2. Oh, just another calm day fishing
#3. Always watch your back
#4. This would be pretty amazing if it wasn’t so cruel
#5. “How about a back massage?”
#6. Revenge of the box monsters
#7. May you never have roommates like this
#8. The magical escape artist
#9. Wait for it…
#10. There is something seriously messed up with your car
#11. Ya bro. Think fast
#12. Lady trust bonding
#13. I have a feeling Uncle Rick’s heading to the hospital after the BBQ
#14. Problems much?
#15. Let’s hope he doesn’t have a heart attack on the way down
#16. Don’t ever fall asleep at work. Ever.
#17. This guy thinks this is a joke…until he turns around
#18. What? They aren’t big enough for you?
#19. This is actually terrifying
#20. I’m sure the neighbors are going to “love” this
#21. He never saw it coming
#22. What did that guy do to deserve your wrath?
#23. HOLY (insert expletive here)
#24. Charlie never slept on the job again
#25. This is just wrong
#26. This is just pure evil
#27. What the…?
#28. Bad parenting 101
#29. Whoopsiedaisy
#30. All ladies, everywhere, are giving you the middle finger
#31. The wall seems like the best escape route
#32. Whoever did this belongs in hell
From innocent to downright mean, pranks occur all the time. You never quite know when you will become the victim of someone else’s sense of humor…