35 Super Cool Kitchen Gadgets Every Food Lover Needs To Have

We know your parents told you not to play with your food. But with these gadgets, you just won’t be able to help yourself.

#1. Mr. Tea Infuser

He’s enjoying his hot steam bath so much! What a cutie.

#2. Ferry Silicone Steaming Lid

Turn your kitchen into a miniature industrial factory.

#3. Custom Engraved Rolling Pins

You’d probably engrave anything that can hold a shape when you have these.

#4. Spartan Knife Holder

Play the bad villain to this little warrior and stick a knife — or six — in him.

#5. Sharky Tea Infuser

Works best with red tea, obviously.

#6. Quintuple Bladed Herb Scissors

These scissors cut your prepping time by a lot!

#7. Mitten Ice Tongs

These tongs come with tiny red mittens to protect their fragile steel ‘hands’ from the harsh ice (awwww).

#8. Magic Wand Salt And Pepper Shakers

Channel your inner fairy with these magic wand condiment holders. You can pretend it’s fairy dust.

#9. Cool Jewels Ice Cube Tray

Diamonds are not forever, apparently.

#10. Lipstick Flask

Looks like something a Bond girl would have stashed in her clutch, along with mascara that’s actually a miniature gun.

#11. Deep Tea Diver Infuser

The stainless-steel ‘air tank’ is a handy counterweight, so you won’t have to worry about your diver being completely lost at tea.

#12. Blood Splash Set

Normally, you’d want to avoid having blood splattered all over your kitchen counter, but not in this case.

#13. Panda Toast Stamp

Introduce some kawaii cuteness into your mornings with this adorable gadget.

#14. Boogey Yolk Separator

This may not be the most appetizing sight, but in terms of coolness ratings, it’s definitely up there.

#15. Hedgehog Cheese Grater

Help give this bald hedgehog some (cheese) quills!

#16. Skull-Shaped Boiled Egg Mold

Meeee… eaaaat… braaaaaains!

#17. Pizza Scissors

Shut up and take my money!

#18. Popcorn Maker

“I’m running out of ammo, Smee! Load ’em all into the bazooka!”

#19. Jaws Knife Sharpener

So morbid. So cool.

#20. Hot Man Trivet

This guy will give old Atlas a run for his money.

#21. Manatea Tea Infuser

“Hello there, friend. How are you doing today?”

#22. Shark Sushi Plate

“Give me all your sushi!”

#23. Unicorn Sprinkler Shaker

The myth is real! Unicorns do make rainbows!

#24. Pasta Server

This little green dino has a thing for spaghetti. *chomp, chomp!*

#25. Brain Freezer Ice Cube Mold

Hannibal Lecter would be so proud.

#26. Snowball Salt and Pepper Shaker

Snow Globe Salt And Pepper Shaker

Perfect for Christmas dinners.

#27. Triceratops Corn Holder

Triceratops Corn Holder

If you’re at a barbecue party and they don’t have dinosaur corn-on-the-cob holders, then you’re at the wrong party.

#28. Sparrows Salad Bowl and Servers

Sparrows Salad Bowl And Servers

These adorable birds will watch you eat your healthy leafies with delight.

#29. Jeans Muffin Form

Jeans Muffin Form

Jeans Muffin Form

Everyone will comment on how tasty your muffin top is.

#30. Chicken Bottle Stopper

Chicken Bottle Stopper

This dead chicken will save your wine.

#31. Bread Saw


For lumberjacks looking for a manly way to cut their bread.

#32. Arthur Boiled Egg Cup Holder with Eating Spoon

These small knights will guard your food with their lives.

#33. Lid Sid

This guy is either climbing into your pot or trying to get out of it. Try to stop Sid by putting the lid on him, the sneaky bastard.

#34. Star Wars Darth Vader Mask Toaster

Star Wars Darth Vader Mask Toaster

Enjoy your morning coffee with subtle reminders of your evil misdeeds and plans to conquer the galaxy.

#35. Whisker Dam

Gentlemen, the days of soggy, post-beer moustaches are long gone.