Halloween isn’t just for humans anymore…
#1. “oh hai, im a scary bat, can i haz some of your blood pls?”

#2. This skeleton horse would look terrifying in the dark

#3. Who knew vampires came in hedgehog varieties?

#4. Look at these dogs carrying a present

#5. He might be small but this mini Cerberus guards more than his dog bones

#6. King of the common household

#7. I believe Sir Crab would like some brandy and a cigar

#8. It’s a dog! It’s a plane! Oh wait. It really is a dog

#9. “sorry race horse dinner timez lol”

#10. Princess Leia cat knows she’s your only hope

#11. This bag of M&M pugs is too adorable to resist

#12. And in enters Biscuit, the three-headed pooch

#13. When your sushi starts scurrying around like this, I’d be scared

#14. That’s not a turtle. Watch out! It’s a shark

#15. Nobody messes with Bat-Pug

#16. Where’s Charlie? All I see here is a ghost

#17. This Chihuahua is going up, up and away!

#18. Never fear Gotham: Bat-Cat is here!

#19. This dog is on the hunt for Rebel scum

#20. He doesn’t appear to be any bit concerned about that crocodile…

#21. Expecto Patropup!

#22. Dobby Dog wants a sock

#23. This is the cutest Freddy Krueger you will ever see

#24. If this Breaking Bad cat runs a meth lab in your basement, I’d be terrified

#25. That is the silliest looking shark-dog ever

#26. Here Be Guinea-Pig Dragons

#27. This pooch makes a very convincing seal

#28. This Frankenweenie pup looks boss

#29. “It’s me! Ah-Mario Cat!”

#30. This Chihuahua is ready to sink to the bottom of the ocean

#31. This lizard is just dressing up as his great-great-great-great-grandfather

#32. Harry Potter Horse? 10 points to Gryffindor!

#33. This cat is all business

#34. Look at this cop and robber Golden Retriever duo

#35. Turn off the lights and invite someone over while your cat is wearing this costume

#36. Everyone in the McDonald’s gang is here

#37. This Guinea Pig dressed as Dumbo demands more peanuts

#38. You like pigs? You like cats? Then poof: a dream come true

#39. Very cute this pooch is

#40. Scorpion doggy just wants to give you a hug

#41. Snow White Pooch looks for her band of lost dwarves

#42. This cat thinks she’s a cow

#43. That’s not a dog. It’s a bush

#44. This poor pup has had better days

#45. This Yorkie wants to take you for a ride

#46. Why does this pug look like he’s had those bat ears his entire life?

#47. Red Riding Hood, oh what big teeth you have!

#48. Miley Cyrus has never looked better on this “wrecking” pug

#49. Check out this angel of death doggy

#50. I am ferret. Hear my ROAR

#51. This aviator pooch is going to reach for the skies

#52. That Guinea pig will sting you with his cuteness

#53. Bumble Bee

#54. Alan As A Policeman

#55. Do these glasses make me look old?

#56. Headless Dogman

#57. This Mexican Chihuahua is proud to be Frida Kahlo this Halloween

#58. Fun-sized fast food

#59. This wicked-witch pug definitely looks the part

#60. Dog? Nope. Only sheep here mister

#61. Arrrrriba!

#62. This horse seal has the best of both worlds

#63. Introducing Starbuck’s newest size and flavor: Cento, Pomeranian

#64. Doggy Eaten By A Shark

#65. Mom! Get this snake off. of. ME.

#66. This little angel is nothing of the kind

#67. This spider Yorkie is convincingly terrifying

#68. This monk dog looks way to happy to be praying right now

#69. This Princess Leia pooch wants to know if you’ve seen Obi Wan Kenobi

#70. These doggies are going straight down the rabbit hole to find Alice in Wonderland

#71. This noble kitty will bear her knight to battle

#72. I fired the Easter Bunny

#73. Davi Bow Wowie Bones is looking electric

#74. Where’s Waldo dog is going to hide somewhere secret

#75. Halloween is my favorite holiday

#76. Mini Mouse has never looked more precious

#77. Mexican kitty knows where to find the best tacos

#78. Does this pumpkin costume make me look fat?

#79. The world’s first barking taco

#80. French Bullsharks are relatively harmless in the wild