Orphaned Baby Bats Get Festive In Adorable Burrito-Style Christmas Wraps

There are lots of cute things in the world, we’ll accept. But then there are orphaned baby bats wrapped in blankets taking adorable to a whole new level.

This is Talli in her festive wrap.

In the wild these babies would snuggle under their mom’s wing but their parents got caught in nets and traps.

Maggie has a rubber pacifier and could pass for a delicious (adorable) burrito.

Bruce and Lana are all snuggled up together. Look at their big bright eyes. Eeeeeee.

Just to tip you over the edge: Winter is known as “orphan season” for bats as so many new parents are killed by fishing lines and barbed wire.

But it’s okay because Bats QLD, in Australia, are looking out for little orphans like Toby.

Bats QLD want to show people that bats are actually super smart and lovable. We’re inclined to agree.

Especially when they do stuff like this.


Bats QLD posts videos, too. Here’s Lulu being adorable on purpose.


And here’s the Bats QLD festive greeting. With bats. In wraps. And hats.


You can find out more about Bats QLD and donate to the orphaned critters at the Facebook page and website.