Chilling Incident: Raw ‘Zombie’ Meat ‘Crawls Off’ Diner’s Plate Amid Screams

Imagine this scenario: you’ve just seated yourself at a nice restaurant, ready to enjoy a meal, when suddenly, your food starts moving.

It’s definitely not what you expect before diving into your meal, but this was the reality for one hungry diner.

Watch the moment when a piece of meat seemed to crawl right off the plate below:

In a restaurant, there are usually many things you might complain about, such as poor service or the quality of the food.

However, your food appearing to have a mind of its own and jumping off the plate is certainly not a common one.

Unsurprisingly, the viral video above quickly drew comparisons to the world of the undead.

Although the meat was twitching on the plate, a zombie apocalypse is not imminent, so there’s no need to grab your survival kits just yet.

People on the internet have been quite spooked by the video, and you can hear girls screaming in the background.

Can you blame them?

If I were sitting down to enjoy a meal and my food suddenly jumped off the plate, I’d be pretty freaked out too.

Fortunately, there’s a simple explanation for the bizarre occurrence, and it has nothing to do with ‘the dead rising’.

The reason the piece of meat seemed to move is that it was a fresh cut.

When fresh meat is exposed to salt, the muscles contract, causing it to twitch, as seen by the diners.

The salt exposure makes the muscles contract even after the animal is no longer alive.

As a result, the meat moves around, unsettling many people in the process.

Although it was never confirmed where you can buy such food, many suggested the footage might have come from a diner that practices ‘ikizukuri’.

Ikizukuri sounds complicated, but it simply refers to a place where live seafood is prepared.

This method can also apply to frogs, though eating fish in this manner is more common around the world.

While it’s now clear that the movement was not due to any paranormal activity, it’s still not particularly appetizing to witness this on your plate.

Enjoy your dinner, everyone.