Chris Hemsworth gave up eating meat for Natalie Portman kiss scenes

Chris Hemsworth made a considerate adjustment in his lifestyle to accommodate Natalie Portman while they collaborated on a film, and the gesture is heartwarming.

If you’ve observed Chris Hemsworth over the past decade, you’d notice that he maintains an impressive physique.

The Australian actor has attributed his muscular build to a regular diet rich in meat and protein. However, he decided to make a change for a particular project.

During the filming of Thor: Love and Thunder in 2022, Hemsworth chose to forego meat for an entire day because Portman is a vegan.

Portman has been a vegetarian since she was nine and a vegan for over a decade. It’s understandable why she might feel uneasy about a kiss scene with a meat-eater.

Despite this, Portman revealed during an interview on the British radio show Capital Breakfast that she never asked Hemsworth to avoid meat before their kiss.

She mentioned that Hemsworth made the decision on his own, describing him as a ‘very nice person.’

Praising her co-star’s thoughtfulness, Portman said: “He’s really nice. The day we had a kiss scene, he didn’t eat meat that morning because I’m vegan.

“And he eats meat like every half hour. Like, that was so thoughtful. That’s not something I’m angry about or care about, but he was just being thoughtful. He’s just a very nice person.”

The gesture even surprised their co-star Tessa Thompson, who remarked: “I didn’t even know he could go without eating meat. He’s [usually] just, like, eating bison in the morning. That’s so sweet.”

In another interview, Hemsworth expressed his admiration for Portman’s talent and presence on set.

When discussing his reaction to seeing Portman in costume as The Mighty Thor for the first time, he told Variety: “A little stab to the ego, but I quickly got over it and I was in awe of everything she had done on and off the screen. I’m such a fan.”

Despite her extensive experience in the industry, the preparation for Thor: Love and Thunder was unlike anything Portman had done before.

In a 2022 interview with Variety, Portman shared that she was asked “to get as big as possible” for the role.

“It was really fun,” she said. “I worked with a trainer, Naomi Pendergast, for, I think it was four months before shooting, and then obviously all the way through filming.

“We did a lot of weight training and a lot of protein shakes—heavyweight training that I haven’t ever done before.”

She added: “Of course, I’ve never really aimed to get bulky. It was very physical, so it was a lot of both agility work and also strength work.”