Elliot Page shares his approach to handling misgendering

Elliot Page has shared his approach to handling situations when people accidentally misgender him.

Having come out as trans in 2020, Page has been open about his transition, discussing various aspects including the sensitive issue of being misgendered.

He has been candid about his journey, using social media to proudly display his top surgery scars and raising awareness about the challenges faced by the trans community.

Accidental misgendering can be challenging for trans or non-binary individuals. However, Page noted that it can become more uncomfortable when someone overreacts to their mistake.

In a 2023 interview with Variety, he mentioned: “In those situations, I know the intent of people close to me in my life who are wanting to get it right. If someone misgenders me, I don’t take it personally.”

He further explained: “When someone does go to apologize, it’s great. But let’s move on to the next moment in our interaction.

“Let’s move on before it turns into a bigger thing and becomes about the person who did the misgendering and turns into this whole other energy.”

When discussing ways to support trans relatives, friends, or colleagues, Page emphasized the importance of education and sensitivity.

He said: “There are a lot of resources out there to learn more about trans people and the reality of our experiences. A question isn’t always a negative thing, but there’s a time and place and context and tone.”

Page’s insights highlight that if accidental misgendering were the biggest issue trans people encountered, the world would be significantly better.

Trans individuals often face a higher risk of homelessness, employment difficulties, and mental health challenges.

These issues can be further complicated by intersecting factors such as racism, disability, and socioeconomic status.

In some regions, including the UK, health organizations recommend viewing transitioning as a method to alleviate symptoms of mental health conditions like depression.

Consequently, they may attempt to ‘treat’ these conditions rather than offer gender-affirming care.

Gender-affirming surgeries have one of the lowest regret rates of any surgical procedure, even lower than common surgeries like hip replacements.

Trans individuals with access to gender-affirming care often report significant improvements in mental health, despite the prejudice and risks associated with transitioning.

The main takeaway is that if you accidentally misgender a trans or non-binary person, simply apologize and move on. They likely have more pressing concerns.

If you’ve been affected by any of these issues and wish to speak to someone confidentially, contact the LGBT national hotline at 888-843-4564, available Monday to Friday from 4 pm to 12 am ET, and from 12 pm to 5 pm ET on Saturdays.