These Aren’t Photos, They’re PAINTINGS. Unbelievable.

Diego ‘Koi’ Fazio is an artist from Italy that specialises in Hyperrealism – the art of creating paintings that are identical to existing photographs and sculptures. Diego’s paintings are incredibly realistic, and his exceptional talent and attention to detail is nothing short of remarkable.

Hyperrealists utilise various different methods to achieve realism in their paintings. These include underpaintings, gridding and preliminary drawings.

Using the various techniques at their disposal, they manage to create paintings that look incredibly authentic.

However, some critics have questioned the artistic merits of this new style, explaining that despite the huge complexities involved…

The work itself is essentially based on hand-drawing an identical copy of a photograph onto paper.

But regardless of the critics…

The technical prowess of a talented Hyperrealist is undisputed…

And sometimes, it’s just too hard to believe their paintings are not real.