10 Ways Growing Up With A Sister Is The Best

Sisters don’t have to get along all the time. Arguments and petty quarrels are part and parcel of sisterhood. If you happen to have one who is your your best friend first and your arch enemy second, consider yourself lucky.

#1. You get to have two closets.

If you have nothing to wear, you can always raid your sister’s things to freshen up your party outfit. Just make sure you don’t get caught “borrowing” her favorite jeans.

#2. There’s someone nearby to practice word sparring with.

At some point in the future, you might need to verbally antagonize someone. Start young. Start with your sister.

#3. Or maybe actual sparring.

“But she hit me FIRST!”

#4.  You get a second mom.

This works if your sister is older and/or believes herself to be the more responsible sibling. It can be annoying, but at least your room’s always clean.

#5. You cover for each other when you just *need* to sneak out.

“She’s already in bed, mom, she went to sleep like an hour ago.”

#6. You can run to her for advice at any time.

Sometimes you just need advice from someone older, but can’t ask your parents because you might get in trouble. This is when a sister comes in handy.

#7. Girl talk. ’nuff said.

From boys to period pains to your dreams in life, you’ll sometimes end up talking until the whee hours of the morning. The greatest memories sisters have of each other happen between nightfall and sunrise, and often over a plate of cookies.

#8. You learned to march to the beat of your own drum.

Having sisters means having to live with being compared to them your entire life. But with that also comes an eagerness to break out of the mold, to be your own person and not just someone’s sister.

#9. Both of you get to share the same idiosyncrasies.

Putting ice cubes in your cereal milk, sleeping with 500 pillows, and your neat freakishness… it makes you feel better knowing that someone else in the world is the same type of crazy as you.

#10. You automatically get a best friend for life.

In spite of the arguments, cat fights, and all your missing clothes, you can’t help but love your sister. And even though she doesn’t say it often, you know for a fact she loves you right back.