In-depth Simulation of Root Canal Procedure Leaves Viewers ‘Feeling the Pain’

Viewers have been left squirming after watching an animation illustrating the process of a root canal procedure.

Although medical procedures can be unsettling, dental work seems to evoke a unique sense of dread for many.

It could stem from the injection of local anaesthetic into the gums, the perception of being judged regardless of one’s dental hygiene, or simply the ominous sound of the drill.

A YouTube video showcasing this procedure has amassed over 2 million views, leaving viewers visibly uncomfortable and cringing.

If you need any incentive to maintain your dental hygiene, this clip provides ample motivation.

Essentially, a root canal procedure is performed when a tooth becomes infected.

Various factors can lead to this infection, such as tooth damage from a fall or accident, or leaky fillings.

And yes, tooth decay can also be a culprit.

The root canal refers to the part of the tooth that extends into the bone, anchoring it.

Teeth have a hard exterior, but the interior contains softer tissues, including nerves that run from the visible ‘crown’ down to the root.

When a tooth gets infected, the dentist needs to remove the infected tissue, including the nerves.

This includes clearing the infected tissue, opening the crown, and cleaning the tooth’s interior.

Finally, the tooth is filled and capped, allowing it to function normally.

Unsurprisingly, the video depicting this process, along with the intimidating tools involved, left viewers horrified.

One commenter wrote: “Awwww i feel the pain in my own teeth by watching it.”

Another warned: “Trust me guys, the pain is real. Take care your teeth.”

A third said: “One of the most painful visits to the dentist, wisdom teeth isn’t that painful because they put you under, but this, mainly strong number, you can still feel the nerve being ripped and made me shed a tear.”

Nonetheless, they added: “But man was it worth it!”

Another viewer remarked that while the local anaesthetic numbs the pain, you can still feel the nerves being extracted.

They wrote: “Root canals hurt like hell too, even when your mouth is numb you’ll still feel them getting out the nerves.”

Open wide and say ‘ahhh’!