Man who lost his penis in an accident shares the most common question he gets

A man who suffered a severe accident resulting in the loss of his penis has shared the one question he is frequently asked by others.

Unlike another person who had a lucky escape from a snake bite in Thailand, this man took to Reddit to recount how doctors had to remove most of his genitalia following a tragic accident.

The 33-year-old, who mentioned he ‘lost his wiener four years ago’, recently engaged with the Reddit community, inviting users to ‘ask him anything’.

However, he made sure to note: “I am still married to my sweet wife though.”

Starting with how the dreadful incident occurred, the anonymous man detailed: “It was a motorcycle accident. Got hit by a pickup truck. The bike got ruined and something sharp jammed on my tight and split my wiener.

“Doctors did a reconstruction but it got infected a week later and the whole thing had to be amputated, I nearly died from it. I can get one constructed but I’m terrified from the infection and can’t got through with it yet.”

Enduring the accident was one challenge, but the aftermath and ensuing mental health struggles were particularly tough for the man.

“Mentally, the first year was awful and I have spent so much time with my shrink. I felt I was no longer a man and didn’t want to stay married and felt I could never look at my wife again,” he shared.

“The sexual desire was and is there but I have tried a lot to suppress it, especially in the beginning because well you know why. I still get depressed about it but I have learned to cope for the most part.”

A common query people have for the anonymous man pertains to his sexual function.

Many are curious if he can still experience sexual arousal and ejaculation despite the loss of his penis.

He revealed that he still produces semen at the point of climax.

“It just oozes out of me. My wife gets a kick out of it but I find it weird,” the man conceded.

In another part of the thread, he offered advice to others who might be dealing with the loss of their ‘sex characteristics’.

“The big turn around happened for me when I stop taking myself seriously. I still remember the self d**kless joke I made with my brother. It was so liberating,” he wrote.

“Also so crucial to surround yourself with people who are genuinely interested in your happiness.

“Look after your self like someone you’re responsible for. Do for you want you’d do for someone else in your place.”