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Experts have long thought (er, probably) that seals are so cute they must be related to everyone’s favorite adorable land creature, the puppy.

And finally we have proof, by comparing uncannily similar photographs of puppies and seals in their natural habitats.

The latest technology (sort of) shows that both puppies and seals have adorable happy faces where they show a lot of tongue.

They’re both masters of the head tilt.

They love to play in the water.

They have cute and nearly identical noses.

They love a good joke.

They use their feet to get a good scratch.

They can be kind of goofy.

They’ve both got puppy dog (or seal) eyes nailed.

Sometimes they look so similar it’d be hard to tell them apart.

They can be lazy.

In fact, they’re at their happiest when they’re enjoying a comfy snooze.

Very important scientists are divided as to which came first, cute seals or cute dog.

They can both pull off an art photoshoot.

They look equally fabulous with new haircuts.

They’re happy in all weathers.

They’re curious.

The only question is, when can we get a pet seal pup?