Travel blogger horrified to discover man featured in his video ended up being held captive in Brazil

A globetrotting YouTuber had a chilling experience during his travels when a man who appeared in one of his videos was kidnapped in Brazil.

Known on YouTube as Callum Abroad, Callum is an avid traveler who began exploring the world more extensively after feeling cooped up during the pandemic.

Having visited over 20 countries in recent years, Callum has been collecting diverse and engaging travel stories. However, his visit to Brazil was marred by a particularly distressing incident.

Brazil was one of the many countries Callum has visited, but his experiences there were less than ideal.

Callum travels the globe and documents it on YouTube. (Supplied)

Upon visiting one of Brazil’s infamous favelas, Callum encountered a hostile environment. He recounted to UNILAD, “I went to one favela in Brazil, and it was very hostile, very, very hostile. [They said] get the camera down.”

A favela typically refers to a lower-income neighborhood in Brazil, where conditions can be cramped and unsanitary.

Despite the initial hostility, Callum negotiated with the local leaders. “We eventually spoke to some people who were in charge of the favela and I said, ‘Look, I’m not gonna video any of the drugs on the table or any of that stuff, I’ll blur faces, can I make the video?’”

The favela’s leader allowed him to film, and Callum uploaded his video to his YouTube channel without further thought.

However, months later, he received a disturbing text message from someone in Brazil.

“It was only a few months ago, I received a text message saying, ‘Callum, please call me’.”

The text urgently requested the removal of the video, revealing that someone appearing in it had been kidnapped due to its content.

According to Callum, the anonymous caller stated, “If you don’t delete the video, then this person is gonna get harmed.”

Callum has had issues with people in Brazil. (Supplied)

Shocked and concerned for the kidnapped individual, Callum immediately took down the video and provided the gangs with screenshots as proof that it was no longer accessible on YouTube.

The caller expressed gratitude for Callum’s compliance, and that was the last he heard of the situation.

“I was a little bit surprised because they did give me the go-ahead initially,” Callum remarked, reflecting on the turn of events.

Although the incident was alarming, it hasn’t deterred Callum from traveling. He continues to document his remarkable journeys on his YouTube vlog, capturing the beauty and diversity of the world.